(713) 904-5001

Abraham’s Rugs

Abrahams Rugs Logo


SEO, Website Optimization



Abrahams Oriental Rugs Featured


Abraham’s Rugs is a family-owned and operated rug store that’s provided Houston with oriental rugs and services. They were in need of a modern site with a functional browsing experience to promote their products and drive business. In addition to a website rebuild, ASTOUNDZ also implemented an SEO strategy drive consistent organic traffic to the website


Create a fully functional product browsing experience on the site to drive in-store appointments, while not confusing users.


With an SEO strategy driving organic traffic and a new website giving users a great experience, Abraham’s Rugs increased organic page views by 68% in 2018.

Before & After

Drag The Slider Left to Right to Reveal Before and After

Abrahams Rugs BeforeAbrahams Rugs After


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