(713) 904-5001

E-Commerce Website Design & SEO Case Studies

At ASTOUNDZ we’ve created a solution with WordPress and WooCommerce that we have customized for many customers that has worked so much better than all of the other eCommerce web-based products on the market. These clients have reported sales growth exponentially since the launch of their online store. This success is a demonstration of how ASTOUNDZing the product has been. We continue to look at the best possible solutions for our clients because we only want to deliver the best possible product for both our clients and their users’ experience.

Vc Featured Img

The Vintage Contessa & Times Past

50% increase in online visibility
Mtyci Featured Img

More Than You Can Imagine

75% increase in organic page views
Abrahams Oriental Rugs Featured

Abraham’s Rugs

68% increase for organic page views
Wilshreco Featured Img


20% increase in traffic