Seo Tipz

Oct 5, 2018 | SEO

Seasonal Analytics

Allocate your marketing efforts wisely, and use the down time to focus on longer-term and organic marketing. Content takes anywhere from 4-8 months to rank. With this timeline in mind, if you see a lot of traffic in the winter, begin your SEO efforts in late spring and early summer. If you see an increase in traffic during the summer, begin search marketing efforts in the winter. Always think of your customer’s search patterns, and always think ahead.


Intent Matters

The context, or intent, of keywords can be the reason your website generates traffic, yet struggles to generate business & revenue. You may optimize for the search “what is SEO” and gain a ton of traffic, but you’re far more likely to generate business by optimizing for “SEO services in [city name]”. To drive conversions make sure that you’re utilizing Cost-per-click data available through advertising platforms, like Google Ads, and targeting more expensive keywords for your organic search content strategy.

Google Local Pack Update

Google AI is more advanced this time around with the most recent Google update. User queries now determine which business categories will appear in your listing. If a user searches for SEO, our category will say, “Internet Marketing Services in Houston, TX.” If a user searches for website design, “Website Design Services in Houston, TX” will appear under the ASTOUNDZ business name.


404- SEO Tip Not Found

Picture this: You’re shopping for furniture and you found the perfect dining table set on sale. You click on the picture, but the link suddenly sends you to a “404 – Not Found” page. How do you feel about that website, now that you’re no longer able to purchase the dining table set before your next dinner party? Your website should communicate that the page no longer exists and send the user to a more relevant page.

How to Repurpose Content for SEO

What happens when I run out of great ideas to write about? If you don’t have the resources to hire a third-party company, another solution is to repurpose the content that you already have! The benefit of creating content not constrained to trending topics is that you can use it multiple times. Make sure that the existing content that you want to repurpose ranks well and is relevant to the services you want to provide.


Digital Marketing Trends and News